Sunday, October 10, 2010

LOVE LAND :P ($_$)

     In 2010 A.S Love Land was found by a female Legion Scientist Seliana. Then after she died, people
started to think farther about discovered new land. In 2050 A.S Senataly was the second person who found the capital of Love Land which call the L. Still then after the capital was found, one of Senataly’s friend – Semuel a Mathematic Scientist learned about it’s geography by calculated it location. After 50 years research, she finally finished her project. As her result, Love Land is located at the center of Unknown Galaxy. It is at 120N and OE, a continent surrounded by water and it is in a full heart shape. But Semuel death after she just finished her project, her death was a mystery and unknown.

     Hundred years later, a religious male Setha as he went to spread out what he believed. Many people followed him; his group went everywhere to found more member and they created a Jazemolocandes Religion. They went up to the East started at the L capital. They didn’t know where were they going but they believed the god will showed them the way so they kept going. So that was how Marry land was found. The interesting part that if the Love Land is in full heart shape and the L capital in the middle, the Marry land at the right side there must be something at the left side of the L capital. So another land was found and people named it, Baby land.

     As the capital, the L used to be the most modern land in Love Land. Because it located at the center of Love Land but halt of the land was destroyed by the Single Ocean which was the water surround them. So people in the capital have to move either to the West or North. Most people went west and years later, more technology and math grew in the Baby land. Large building, long road, market stared appeared and created city everywhere. The most successful achievement they got was airplane and the airport.

     1/3 of the Baby land was separate by a River called Xoxo River. X mean can’t, and O mean over, nobody can go over it till a group adventurist decided to discover it. They lost half of their group when they crossed the River and only 3 to 7 survived. After they reached the land, they was hopeless there were nothing other then mountains, and desert. As they crossed the River to go back home there was only 1 survived but that person died after he spread his adventure story. Once again, another mystery and unknown death.

     Even Marry land had the less population but as it was found by a religious group, it was known as the most sacred place in Love Land. Many more religion appeared but the 2 main religions were Zazemolocandes and Obacamazez (Zaz and Oba). People started to raise money to built temple for Obacamazez religion and church for Zazemolocandes religion. But as the different believed people started to fight and wanted their gods to be the best. So a war between religion began, it last till 700 years later. A man who described himself as god’s son explained that all the gods are best so people stared to think deep. The war end and the man disappeared, the relationship between Zaz and Oba closer. As they believed in different gods but they both believed in the same god’s son.

The biggest mystery in Love Land is how it was created and who created it. Many Scientist, Genius, try to find the truth but they all end up in same thing “DEATH” Nobody know, and they will NEVER know.

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