Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Harrison Bergeron (^_^)

     - I disagree and also agree, because in Vietnam society right now is very chaos. Some people don’t care about rules or laws. They only want what best for themselves and don’t care about the other. They also compete each other by their wealth and education. Other problem is that the amount of poor people and orphanage children are very high here. So if everyone in Vietnam was equal poor people might get an opportunity to fit in and have a better life. People won’t contempt other that not as rich or as smart as they are. But somehow if everyone is equal they will lose there freedom and rights. Some people work hard and they should deserve what they earn.       

     - In my society, I won’t be harsh on my people. I except the beauty in each person and I will allow them to keep their natural beauty. But in there would be some rule that people have to follow. I want the amount of money for each person will be the same no matter if the other is hard worker and other doesn’t. The amount to work time also the same to avoid people that try to work hard to earn more. I will give the limit of gas and oil use in each family to save the environment and sustainable. Each family will only have the limit of land to build their house. If anyone being capture comparing themselves to other they will get their punishment.

     - To help people with less capable mentally, physically, or socially to “catch up” I will set a limit of equal amount of money for each person. Everyone will be as rich as other. I will help people will less mentally to have the opportunity to study so they will be as smart as other.

     - I can encourage people to be happy about the law and somehow find a way to change it. Ask if anyone disagree and agree with that law or not and make a vote. Then I might stand up and start a revolution which I hope I have enough courage to do that.

     - I don’t think equality is possible because as the way people born they have in themselves some talent. People get what they deserve to have. If you want to be smarter or wealthier you have to work hard. If the lazy people earn same as the hard work people it will be unfair for the hard work one. It depends on how people live and believe in themselves. If you want to dominate other you have to show that you have capability to do it. Sometimes people who dominate other might become a good leader. They could organize and make the society better somehow.

     - I know a person in my town; he is an odd in everyone’s eyes. He treats other very unfair and he think he has money so he can attempt other who are poor. One day at his coming weeding, he only invited people that have money and have enough opportunity to be his friends. Other example is that I saw some current event on the internet that was talking about a kid that have been treat harshly and get all kind of punishment whenever he did something wrong. He works for this family and because he was too poor he had to stand those punishments that this family gave him or else he got no money.