Sunday, November 21, 2010

Letter :) BEAR

     Dear Uncle Vuong
     I am Selena, your favorite niece from Vietnam. I know that you ha a very big allergic so I sent you a very good medicine which way better than the bear bile you are using. I just learned about bear bile in my class yester day so I write this letter right away to warn you. It possible that it can cause you cancer if the bile was took from a cancer sickness bear. More important than that, people have to kill a lot of bears as they make the bile Bear are in danger and I know that you don’t want them to die too
     I went on a field trip to Cu Chi Wildlife at Risk, where bears are safe and rescue. I saw those bear live. Very happy in an area which they can entertain themselves better than in a 2x2m cage with a needle through their gall bladder. Imagine if you are one of them, I am sure you don’t want to be in that position. It very important to have a place like that because at lest we know and believe that there are really place where bear can belong to. Somewhere they can be saving from needle, cage, blood, and devil (hunter).
     I need your help uncle, don’t use bear bile anymore. I’m trying to convince people not to buy bear bile o use them. If you can do that you might be the first person who can lead me to my goal. I can believe more that everything I do is worth it. And by the way, I also buy for you a T-shirt and a bracelet from the wildlife to help support them. Ask  your friend if they would like to buy some. It very helpful if more people buy so we can get more money to save the bear.

P/S: I just want you to know that I love you a lot.
                       Your favorite niece


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Letter :) BEAR

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Advertising and Your Life :)

*How does advertising influence consumption?
     - I think advertising creat a big influence consumption in our life. Everyday we deal more than hundred of advertising and commercial. People who own the product do everything to sell them even they know it's bad. They convince other to buy and a lot of people buy it and they use it. As they use those product it creat a big issue for enviroment. Peopl who buy them don't know how it effect the enviroment because at the advertising only show the good side without the bad side of the product.

*Do you think citizens are sufficiently informed about the sustainability of our consumption habits? If not, how can we become more informed about sustainability issues?
     - I don't think citizens really care about sustainability in their life. They do work hard for their money and they think they should have the goods that can pay back all of their hard work. So they just used all the stuff they think that is good for their life and themselves. I think the best way to informed about sustainability issues is to convince people by talking about it more on TV, Newspaper, Internet where can easy get people attention.

*Do you think these advertising techniques influence what you and your friends purchase?
     - I think some advertising do influence me and my friends purchase. Cause they know what we need and they try all of their best way to get our attention. They did bring celebrities people to their advertising and also beautiful models.

 Oh My God!!!